American Heating Company
American Heating Company carries a full line of Helical Coil Hot Water heaters that can be sized to accommodate heater duties from 0.5 MM BTU/Hr. to 100 MM BTU/Hr.
American Heating Company carries a full line of Helical Coil Hot Water heaters. These heaters can be sized to accommodate heater duties from 0.5 MM BTU/Hr. to 100 MM BTU/Hr.
The design of American Heating Company Hot Water Heaters is a helical coil design wherein the water flows through the tubes. Flow rates can change from 40 gpm to 4000 gpm of water. The water is instantaneously heated in the tubes of the heater and outlet water temperature is controlled by the use of a digital automatic temperature controller.
The tube material can be as simple as carbon steel for treated water applications to as exotic as TP 316L stainless steel for severe applications.
American Heating Company offers hot oil heaters, tank heating coils and heat exchangers. Multi-fuel options are available for industrial and commercial use with a specialty in asphalt and heavy oil storage.