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Service and Support

24 Hour Emergency Service
Our factory-trained technicians are available for field service throughout California 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. California Boiler, Inc. has the capabilities to repair all types of boilers and boiler room equipment including refractory repairs and installation, feedwater systems, deaerators, water softeners, and chemical feed and blowdown systems. Our field service technicians specialize in all boiler room needs including combustion adjustment and troubleshooting.

Low NOx Burner Installations
California Boiler, Inc. furnishes and services hundreds of low NOx burners for the purpose of reducing NOx emissions to levels guaranteed to meet local air quality requirements.

AQMD/APCD Tune-Ups, Monitoring, and Source Testing
We provide combustion emissions monitoring, combustion adjustment, and tune-up and source testing to ensure your boiler systems comply with all state reporting requirements. All of our calibrations are done in-house, eliminating the need for third-party involvement. APCD monitoring is performed on a monthly bases depending upon your equipment requirements. AQMD monitoring is conducted on a monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual basis depending on the equipment requirements.

Boiler Room Design and Layout
California Boiler, Inc. specializes in complete boiler room installations. We provide full demolition and turnkey installation services in the state of California. We can handle permitting requirements and engineer your boiler system needs to your footprint and technical application requirements. We have expertise with steam, hot water, hot oil, and electric boilers, including all related equipment and accessories.

Instrumentation and Controls
We provide and service integrated control systems and energy management interfaces for all types of boiler systems.

Vessel Repair and Alterations
We can provide mechanics who are certified pressure vessel welders for repairs, maintenance, and retubing services.

Preventive Maintenance and Annual Inspections
Boiler maintenance is critical to maintaining systems that follow emissions regulations while operating correctly and efficiently. Our preventive maintenance and annual inspection programs are tailored to provide periodic monitoring on your boiler systems to ensure minimal downtime and maximum operating efficiency. Customers can also purchase our Planned Preventive Maintenance (PPM) services that incorporate all required system monitoring and key maintenance services. Our PPM system ensures the long-term efficiency and reliability of your boiler system. These services include annual internal and external inspection of the system, quarterly external inspection of the system with emissions monitors, discounts on parts, and select system upgrades.

SCR Systems
California Boiler, Inc. has extensive expertise with the installation of Select Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems. SCR systems can help many companies achieve increasingly strict NOx mandates while operating the boiler system in an efficient manner ensuring long equipment life.

Comprehensive repair and installation including boilers, water heating, and steam fitting classification (C-4) and holders of ASME "S" stamp and National Board "R" stamp for pressure vessel repairs.